We were pretty excited around here when the Super-Moon made an appearance. We couldn’t see it from our house, so Christian armed himself with his camera and ventured out to the park to catch the moon between clouds. It was huge and low and orangey and beautiful, and totally awe-inspiring.
The other thing it inspired was a moon art project. Grab your card stock and your masking tape, folks, ’cause we’re getting all Buzz Aldren up in here!
- Colored Card stock in black and white
- Masking tape
- Scissors
Tear up a whole lot of masking tape pieces and place them on the top 2/3 area of the white card stock in a general circle.
Trace around a bowl onto the black card stock and cut out the circle.
Place this piece over the masking tape area and fill in any empty spots with more tape pieces. Glue the black card stock on top of the tape/white card stock. Draw and cut out a bunch of little white stars and glue them onto the black card stock around the moon.
Hang your creation in a window or on a lampshade and enjoy the glow!
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