Super-cute little embroidered hearts on jean s- DIY on Tiny Rotten Peanuts.

Surprise Embroidered Hearts

How to embroider cute little secret hearts on jeans . From Tiny Rotten Peanuts

I love the look of embroidery, and I suck at it, but it still manages to look cute even if it’s not perfect. So I like to embroider-bomb Fen’s jeans sometimes. Not that often, because that would be creepy. But I am keeping this in my arsenal for when she starts to get all moody and full of teen angst. Then I’ll sneakily embroider a big rainbow on the butt of her favorite jeans and quietly tuck them back in her drawer…

For now, at least, she likes the embroidery, so I decided to throw a couple of little embroidered hearts on a pair of her jeans in an unexpected place.

How to embroider little secret hearts onto jeans. From Tiny Rotten PeanutsMaterials

Embroidery Floss

Embroidery needles

Water soluble marker

So here is what ya gotta do. First use the marker to draw out some hearts wherever you want them on the jeans. I made one that too big at first, so then I drew 3 smaller hearts and liked the way they looked together.

Next you pick out 3 colors of embroidery floss that work together. For instance red, white, and light pink. Classic heart colors.

I used 2 embroidery stitches for the hearts. The first stitch is a split stitch, and makes an outline of the heart. It also helps the next stitch look a little more puffy.

Work the split stitch all around the line, and then you go right into working the satin stitch to cover the entire heart. Here is a video to visually aid your stitching:

A DIY for embroidering hearts on jeans- from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

I tried some different placements for the satin stitch and ended up working it diagonally. I started at the center dip of the heart and worked it across one of the humps, then the other hump, then down the rest of the heart.

That is it! If you haven’t embroidered before, just take it slowly and carefully. Trust me- I tried to fly through one of the hearts and it was a knotted, crooked mess of doom.

Super-cute little embroidered hearts on jean s- DIY on Tiny Rotten Peanuts.








8 responses to “Surprise Embroidered Hearts”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    Those hearts are so cute!

    When I was a girl I liked to embroider. What did I embroider? I don’t remember, but I remember that I liked it. And I also remember that I followed patterns, which mesmerized me.

    I can’t wait to do this on every pair of my husband’s work slacks.

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Your husband will be the most stylin’ guy ever at his work. I suggest a few on back pockets, too. DId you really follow patterns? That just reminded me of rug hooking; did you ever do that?

  2. Heather Stevenson Avatar

    I love this Jeanette! I just pinned it to share with friends and to do on my own jeans. I’m so excited! ha ha. Little Valentine’s project while watching Netflix. Perfect.

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      YES! It’s the perfect project to do while Netflixing- whatcha watching?

  3. CakeSpy Avatar

    Surprise hearts are almost as magical as surprise rainbows!! I love this idea.

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Why thank ya! Now I want to do a little rainbow on her jeans.

  4. Linda Coley Avatar
    Linda Coley

    The hearts are adorable and makes me want to dig out my embroidery floss and try this on my grandfather’s jeans. I only use floss when I do applique these days but since she is only 7, I bet she would love them (not the rainbow on her rear though)!!

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