Salt and Glue Painting is Fun!

Maybe you’ve heard of Jean from The Artful Parent? Hmmm? Yes?

I hope so, because she has been blogging for 10 years on her kid’s art blog, and she has been a major inspiration for every one who has anything to do with blogging about art for kids.

In fact, her first book, The Artful Parent, has gotten a fresh makeover both inside and out and it is virtually kid art perfection between 2 covers now.

I love it so much I’m giving a copy away. (This is so exciting and old-school blogging-style to hold a giveaway.) Read until the end to find out how to score a copy. (Giveaway has ended!)

I wanted to choose an activity from the book that would 1. Appeal to me 2. Hopefully lure Beckett (9) into having a go. He is typically resistant to make art with me, so I knew I would have to find just the right art project.

After sticky noting the bejesus out of the book, I kept coming back to salt painting, so we just rolled up our nonexistent shirtsleeves and got to it.

This art technique is simple, colorful, and quick, which perfectly appeals to my lack of patience and Beckett’s lack of love for anything overly arty-crafty.

salt watercolor drawing/painting

Salt, liquid watercolor, glue in a squeeze bottle, and paper are all you need for this ridiculously fun project. Lots of paper. We used white card stock, because just don’t use flimsy paper.

  1. Draw with the glue
  2. Load on the salt
  3. Tip the paper and tap it to rid it of excessive salt
  4. Touch some liquid watercolor to areas of the salt
  5. Gasp and shriek as you watch the color travel down the salt lines

P.S. I couldn’t help myself from experimenting with liquid acrylics and inks along with the watercolors. They work too if you water them down. The salt needs all that liquid to absorb and push the paint around.

salt watercolor drawings
watercolor paint, glue, salt drawing art technique
salt and glue watercolor painting

I think the reason this book is such a classic is that it is the perfect mix of doable, fun art projects for kids, including classics and newer techniques. Each project is laid out simply and clearly, and you can riff on her ideas to create more art activities as your kids grow older.

Are you ready to own your own copy? Comment below and I’ll pick a winner at random on June 26. Since that is a week away and you might be jonesing for a copy right now, get thee to Amazon and buy a copy.






30 responses to “Salt and Glue Painting is Fun!”

  1. Kat Avatar

    I didn’t know there was a revised version out!!! Her blog was my go-to when my oldest was 2, and now that my (surprise) youngest is 2, I need to check it out!

  2. Angela Avatar

    This looks like fun! I’m going to have a go with my reluctant 9 year old too! 😀

  3. Jen Avatar

    Ooh, would love the book! It’s gonna be a long summer without it 🙂

  4. Orianna Abels Avatar
    Orianna Abels

    Yes, oh yes. I relish making art with my grandchildren.

  5. Joanne Ellis Avatar
    Joanne Ellis

    I would like to find a copy of your new Artful Parent revised edition. Not at Barnes and Noble.
    Could you send me one? I have the first book. Love it. Use it with my little Great Grandkids

  6. Mary Jo Wilkison Avatar
    Mary Jo Wilkison

    I’m going to try this when I have my grandkids in July!

  7. Kathy Avatar

    My grandkids will love the salt and glue paintings! Thank you for all the creative ideas!

  8. Kate Ter Haar Avatar
    Kate Ter Haar

    Looking for ideas for Community Library Summer Fun Days….this would be ideal!

  9. Karyn Avatar

    Great post. This is a well loved activity in our home.

  10. Diane B Avatar
    Diane B

    Yes please! I’ve been wanting that book!

  11. Sunny Strong Avatar
    Sunny Strong

    This looks fun! I want to try this with my kids for a fun summer art project. We could even do it outside.

  12. Carol Avatar

    Love the artful parent!

  13. Nancy Avatar

    Love your ideas! I’m doing a STEAM camp for first through third graders this summer and I can’t wait to try salt painting!

  14. Judy Lee Avatar
    Judy Lee

    I love this technique ! I would love to win this book for my daughter and grandson. They are always looking for ways to craft as a family. Thank you.

  15. Raquel Avatar

    I love your whacky art! Thanks for continuing to share!! Yes please!

  16. Nancy Sapp Avatar
    Nancy Sapp

    I’ve GOT to try this with my youngest grandson, Keaton! He likes to make artsy things with me & THIS would be SO MUCH fun!! I’d LOVE to win the book as well – I’d HAVE to share ideas & tips with others in this area as well.

  17. Margi Avatar

    Would love to have this for ideas for the “projects” my grandkids ask to do all the time.

  18. Heather Martyak Avatar
    Heather Martyak

    What a fun project to try! I just purchased some liquid watercolors last week! I’m eager to try some fun projects with them! And we will definitely try this one!

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Can Australians enter the competition too? This looks great fun, school holidays so I’ll have to give it a shot with my gang!

  19. Debra Avatar

    Love the book!

  20. Carolien Avatar

    This is such a wonderful book. I’m really interested in getting this one. I’m from the Netherlands though. Don’t know if I can enter… But I will try 🙂 Looking forward to doing the glue, salt and watercolor thing!

  21. Hilary Avatar

    I follow her on fb and would love to try our her book. I didn’t know she had a book!

  22. Ami Avatar

    Great idea to be put in practice with nu volunteering kids.
    Thank You! 🙂

  23. Susan Avatar

    I love your enthusiasm and upbeat writing style. Makes me excited about trying this with my little ones.

  24. Edie Poole Avatar
    Edie Poole

    I would love the revised The Artful Parent book! I have used the ideas for the past year or so with preschoolers. I am teaching kindergarten this year and would love the resource to help plan developmentally appropriate, fun, creative art activities! Thanks!

  25. Brandi Renfro Avatar
    Brandi Renfro

    I just left my old, overwhelming job for a new one, and will finally be able to be more creative with my son, who loves to craft with me, most of the time. I would love to have this book! Thanks!

  26. Debbie Avatar

    Is it too late to get in on the draw? I’m looking for activities to do with my grand kids.

  27. Candra Avatar

    What a fun activity! Need to add it to Grandma art camp!!

  28. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

    Yes! Have fun with it!

  29. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

    That is SO COOL! I love that you did that, it’s opens up a whole new world of salt painting ideas…

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