This is going to probably be like my shortest tutorial post because I only have 1 photo to show you, and it really is crazily, ridiculously easy to make.
In fact, my Marine step daughter made this about 2 years ago, I think she found the idea on Pinterest somewhere, so I apologize if this is someone’s special project I’m ripping off, but it;s also a general enough technique that I don’t feel too guilty posting it.
Enough about me. How are you? What’s your favorite animal? Why don’t you let your nubby little fingers walk you on over to Mr. Google and do an image search for that animal. OR OR OR you can alternatively take a side-view photo of your beloved pet ferret, dog, cat, fish, ant, etc and print it out.
The deal here is that you want the side view of an animal because it is more interesting than the front view for this project.
Since your favorite animal is most likely a unicorn, I found this image for you, thereby adding another image to my post. Click on the image to go to the download page, and by the way, this image is in the public domain and free to use as you see fit.
Book pages
Rip or cut small pieces from your book pages and podge them onto the entire canvas.
Trace the outlines of your animal onto a white piece of paper and cut it out. Mod podge that onto the center of the canvas board.
Use a regular bottle of glue to outline the lines of the animal- a bit at a time- and place a contrasting color of beads along that line.
Spread the Mod Podge all over the inside of the animal outline and pour the the seed beads in there with wild abandon. After they dry in there, you can tilt the canvas board over to release the extras.
And there you go. Sit back, rub your belly, do a shot of expensive tequila, and feel the pride of having made an entire piece of art you can now prop up on your Ikea wall shelf. Or: frame it, or hot glue a piece of ribbon to the back and hang it on your wall.
Oh! Then you will probably want to go check out other easy and cool art projects:
Print transfer painting project
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