popsicle stick art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

Popsicle Stick Art – Trace ‘Em!


Popsicle sticks are a classic kid craft material. There’s something about these little wooden thingies that makes them impossible to use simply as frozen-treat-spines.

I tried my hand at bending them to my will in this chalkboard drink tags post, but then they sat dormant in a plastic box for a while. I’m not really sure why I decided to pull them out one day, but there they were, begging to be traced.

If you follow me at all, you’ll know I’m a big fan of tracing things, and it doesn’t get much simpler than tracing popsicle sticks.

Honestly, I’m also a big fan of art projects that are easy enough for busy adults to do as well. Or adults who feel like they aren’t “artistic”. There’s something about that phrase that makes me want to sock people in the eyeball when I hear it uttered, because it’s just not true.

There are so many easy and fun ways to be creative and use your hands to make things, and here are the rules: 1. You must have fun in the process 2. You don’t have to be a kid to make something besides dinner.

I challenge you to sit down alongside your kids (or your 17 year old BFF) and put a damn marker in your hand and start tracing things. Use different colors. Trace different things. Play some music. Drink something liquid, and don’t think about anything.

Or just make your kids do this, because they will love it.

Jumbo sticks and regular sticks are available on Amazon.

Popsicle stick art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

Use different colored markers, and start randomly overlapping and tracing sticks.

popsicle stick art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

Keep going until you like how it looks.

popsicle stick art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

Fill in some of the shapes you make with colors.

popsicle stick art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

Do some more! Stop when you’re finished! Now here is your pinnable image, since we all know that vertical images look best on Pinterest:

popsicle sticks art project from Tiny Rotten Peanuts

I created my book, Tangle Art and Drawing Games for Kids, with the idea in mind that adults could do some easy drawing projects alongside their kids. Check it out:







10 responses to “Popsicle Stick Art – Trace ‘Em!”

  1. Crystal Foth Avatar

    Great project, so easy and looks so fun! Me n’ Maisie must try it out soon! I have a future plan for some Popsicle sticks, but we’ll need to try some tracing too!! 🙂 Fantastically creative!

  2. Kristen Avatar

    Simply brilliant! I can’t wait to do this with the kids. The perfect project for a hot summer day when there’s lot of popsicle eating going on.

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Ha! That’s a good excuse to eat TONS of popsicles.

  3. Ana Dziengel Avatar
    Ana Dziengel

    I love this! I’m huge fan of pattern projects and this is a wonderful idea!

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      I love pattern projects, too. There’s something so graphic design about them, without getting too fussy.

  4. Andrea Avatar

    This, like many other simple arty things, makes me happy.

  5. Nicole Avatar

    Where did you find those awesome markers? I’ve searched google, but can only find sites that do not ship to the U.S!

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Here ya go! They are from Stubby Pencil Studio. Be careful, you’ll end up wanting everything on the site! 🙂 http://www.stubbypencilstudio.com/product/JOL_SSDUO12/Duo-Felt-Tip-Markers-12/%20rel=%20%22nofollow%22

      1. Nicole Avatar

        Thank you! Love your blog and art ideas! 🙂

        1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

          Thanks a lot Nicole!

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