do some bubble geometry drawing

Cool Bubble Geometry Drawing Adapted From a Kids’ Project

bubble painting art project

Kids shouldn’t get to have all the fun, especially when they tend to intentionally wipe their runny noses on your sleeve and ask for candy every 10 minutes all day long.

Parents should get all the fun. Parents should raid the kids’ blogs and do all the fun things we find there, and then we should flop ourselves across our beds and read books and eat gorgeous bento-inspired snacks all day.

So I made bubble prints, and I thought to myself that they would make cool backgrounds for drawings. bubble prints Naturally I needed a new pen, so I up and purchased a 3-pack of Sharpie pens. I drew some random dots where it looked like the bubbles were intersecting, and I used a straight-edge to draw lines between some of the dots. Dude. This was as fun as the Zentangle project I posted a couple of months ago.

Anyway, this project was inspired by the Kids’ Activities Blog book, and  you can acquire one for yourself. You’ll want a copy of this if you have kids, and you’ll especially want one if you want to one-up all the other moms in your ‘hood with all the fun things you do with your kids this summer.

If you have no children, or merely want to find out how to do the bubble part of this project, click over to read the particulars, and by all means, post your pretty pictures on my Facebook wall.







8 responses to “Cool Bubble Geometry Drawing Adapted From a Kids’ Project”

  1. Clare Avatar

    Great project idea, we will be sure to try this one. It gets harder to find stuff to force the kids to do when they are older. No more ‘here is some chalk, here is some drive, go draw’.
    Good one, the book looks good too, I am off to look it up.
    Clare x

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      It is hard to find something cool for them to try when they get older- I love finding easy projects that appeal to older kids and adults. It makes me happy, happy, happy.

  2. Leslie Avatar

    We got the book and tried out that same activity too. Chuck had a lot of fun. I LOOOOOVE what you did with the drawing overlay. Very creative and classy, lady!

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Aw! Great minds think alike! Wasn’t that such a fun project? I want to make more of them…

  3. Wombat Central Avatar

    I’ve been meaning to do that bubble print thingamabobber with my kiddos ever since they did it at preschool or somewhere that was soooo long ago they don’t remember doing it. Truth is, I secretly want to do it!

    Love the geometric angle you put on the top (see what I did right there?). ;D

    Off to read your review…

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      You just totally slayed me with that pun, and another thing is that I really wish I had titled this post: Bubble Print Thingamabobber. Yes, that is precisely how I choose all of the projects I do- it’s really just to appease myself. If the kids want to join in, bonus.

  4. PragmaticMom Avatar

    Love your bubble art and the math extension! What a cool idea!

    1. Jeanette Nyberg Avatar

      Thank you! These are crazy-fun to make.

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