Category: Paper Crafts
How to Make a Snazzy Paper Halloween Bat
Paper Mache Recipes and Paper Mache Bowl Inspiration
We’re going to start off this post with paper mache recipes, and ease into a whole bunch of gorgeous paper mache bowl ideas to get you jumping up and down in excitement about making them. Hint: I’m not sure if there really is a best paper mache recipe– I’ve had good luck with all of…
Cool Colored Paper Collage Sculptures
What? A collage AND sculpture project rolled into one? How cool is this action? Especially if you love colored card stock as much as we do. The main thing to remember with this project is: COLOR! There are so many amazing, luscious colors of cardstock, and I love how much more vibrant they are than…
Blue Tissue Paper Hearts Make Two Fun Art Projects
Once upon a time, a beautiful princess decided to make a bleeding tissue paper heart project for her blog. She got all ready with the water, the paintbrush, the pretty tissue papers in pink and purple and red, and then…. OOPS, the effing pink paper wasn’t effing bleeding tissue paper, it was regular old stupid…
Ahoy! Learn to Fold a Toilet Paper Origami Sailboat
Make a Cool Orb From Old Book Page Flowers
10 Cool Book Page Crafts
I hate books. They’re all either full of words, or full of pictures, they’re offensive, they put ideas into peoples’ fragile brains, and they take up a lot of space. I especially hate when I learn something from them. Let’s take them all and make book page crafts, oui? Although super simple, this book page…
First You Blow Bubbles onto Paper, Then You Make a Little Art Journal
I’ve been on a major blank book kick lately- sketchbooks, notebooks, journals- anything with blank pages and a cover or two is just about perfect. I’ve been playing around with my decorated Moleskines, and am finding I love them. I’m tending to use them as sketch/idea books most of all. As wonderful as blank sketchbooks…
Hilarious Magazine Face Collages
One of the funniest art projects in all the land is to take a pile of fashion magazines, some scissors, a glue stick, and a stack of paper and get to collaging. We’re not talking serious collaging, though. We’re getting all surreal and silly. When you flip through the pages of women’s magazines and really take…
Super Secret Origami Heart Envelope
I asked Fen a few weeks ago if she and her friends passed notes in school. I was met with the most puzzled look- bordering on- pity? Disgust? Of course they didn’t. Then I made her listen to all the sorts of notes my friends and I used to write, and how we tried to…
Giant Paper Popsicle Craft
Sweet, sweet middle of summer. When meals are regularly replaced with popsicles and ants swarm your countertops to vie for a taste of the sticky melted nectar. We here at Craftwhack (actually, just me. I’m alone today. I have the WHOLE DAY TO MYSELF.) decided to create some giant paper popsicles because one of us…
Tissue Paper Mosaic
When I was 6, it was 1976 and there was a buzz of excitement throughout the year because it was the Bicentennial! Red white and blue was everywhere, all year. That July a few families from our neighborhood were in a parade for some reason, and we were to make a float. All I remember…