Category: Jewelry
Best Soldering Iron for Jewelry Making
Jewelry making is a hobby that we’ve all grown to love, mostly because of the colorful beads and threads that we used to play with when we were young. But as we grow older, our tools get less colorful and more functional. Take soldering iron, for example. It’s a necessity for jewelry making and breeds…
How to Make a Chevron Bracelet
Chevron bracelets are bright, beautiful, and the perfect accessory for any outfit on any day of the week. You can’t get a much more casual, colorful look when it comes to jewelry, and they’re also wonderfully inexpensive to make. They make great gifts for that special someone too ““ a token of your friendship they…
Teen Craft! Make a Fun Friendship Bracelet
My teenager brought this friendship bracelet project home from the camp where she is a counselor every summer. She taught me how to make these really cute embroidery friendship bracelets, and I thought I would capture the process to share with you. This is a great way to use up any random embroidery thread you…
20 So Cool Crafts for Teens (Okay, and Tweens)
It seemed like when I was young, there weren’t really any cool crafts for teens. I mean, I honestly don’t remember doing any. I mean, I can’t get the images of weird 70’s projects out of my head: masking tape all over jars that we then smeared shoe polish on, candle wax poured in sand…
Duct Tape Bracelet Craft
Velcro. Raise your hand if you have something in your home with velcro on it. I’m sure you all raised your hands enthusiastically, but do you know how velcro was invented? Neither did we, but we found out in a short story we read on GenZ Read Together. Since I read about the invention of velcro with…