Category: Cardboard Crafts
28 Cardboard Box Fort Ideas
Building forts is perhaps one of the best impromptu games we all enjoyed as kids. No one really teaches you how to build a fort, but it somehow became a universal game that all children silently agreed upon. So while make-shift forts are their unique type of fun, you can still build full-on forts for…
55 Dollhouse Ideas
Dollhouses are definitely a big part of any girl’s or boy’s childhood. With these structures, the girls first learn to pretend-play, and the boys find garages for their toy cars. So whether or not you were lucky enough to get your own dollhouse, you know how major it is in a kid’s childhood. While store-bought…
How to Make a Castle Craft at Home
Every little girl dreams of being a princess, living in a big pink castle, and wearing a beautifully ornate tiara or crown adorned with diamonds and sparkling jewels. Children also love to get messy and make arts and crafts projects at home both by themselves and with their friends and loved ones.So, what better way…
Fun Crafts for Boys
If you have a little boy who’s into arts and crafts, you might be looking for some fun crafts for boys, and the good news is ““ there are hundreds! Whatever your boy is into, you’re bound to be able to find some great art projects to undertake with him.Try and choose crafts based on…
What Could Possibly be Better Than Paper Airplanes? Cardboard Airplanes!
Easy Texture Collage Project
We made a really easy texture collage project using lots of different materials- papers, cardboard, cork, burlap, etc, all in muted colors. Beckett, Fen and I each made one, so it’s a fun and quick project to make together. With snacks, of course. Some of the materials we bought at Michael’s, some were found in various bins of…
5 Easy Art Projects: Cardboard Prints
Hi! I took a quick break yesterday to switch blogs for a Hispanic Heritage Month post, but I’m back with day 5 of Easy Art Projects for kids. We made cardboard prints for this project. I’ll bet you have some cardboard lying around, am I right? Printmaking may be the best way ever to get…
Mini Houses- Recycled Cardboard Art Project for Kids
Raise your hands if you go through eight million cardboard boxes a week. We do. Between the cereal, Diet Coke and delicious coconut La Croix, we usually have an overflowing recycling bin by about the 3rd day after garbage pickup. And there are only so many times you can cut off a side and…