Category: Kids Crafts

  • Cool Op Art Sphere Drawings

    Cool Op Art Sphere Drawings

    You very well may have seen these pop art spheres before, because they’re cool and they’re all over the old Pinterest. But they’re also the sort of project you can’t just look at and move on. They MUST BE TRIED. And try them I did. And they are every bit as fun to draw as…

  • First You Blow Bubbles onto Paper, Then You Make a Little Art Journal

    First You Blow Bubbles onto Paper, Then You Make a Little Art Journal

    I’ve been on a major blank book kick lately- sketchbooks, notebooks, journals- anything with blank pages and a cover or two is just about perfect. I’ve been playing around with my decorated Moleskines, and am finding I love them. I’m tending to use them as sketch/idea books most of all. As wonderful as blank sketchbooks…

  • Easy Drawing Game: Household Object Drawing Prompts

    Easy Drawing Game: Household Object Drawing Prompts

    What do you do when you can’t bring yourself to cook dinner, so you’ve already decided it’s going to be a cereal night, you feel a little uninspired, and your kids are rabid with not being used to the free time of summer vacation yet? Easy drawing game. That’s what. Pour those Fruity Pebbles in the…

  • Cool Craft: DIY String Bowls

    Cool Craft: DIY String Bowls

    Crafty collaboration alert! Okay, you guys. This is how my mind works: Maggy from Red Ted Art invited a group of bloggers to each do a post on a basic craft, and we’d all support each other, share each others’ crafts, etc. So immediately I FREAKED OUT, obsessing over which craft to do- Is it crafty…

  • 41 Crafts for Boys. No Girls Allowed!

    41 Crafts for Boys. No Girls Allowed!

    Hahahaha, how mad did that make some of you that I so brazenly excluded girls from these crafts? What I’m doing here is rounding up a bunch of crafts that would appeal to my son and step son based on what their interests are/have been. I know that girls will like doing these, too, or maybe some boys would…

  • 25 So Cool Boys Room Ideas

    25 So Cool Boys Room Ideas

    One of my favorite pinboards is my Kids Spaces board. It is a constant source of inspiration, and one of the reasons I am most excited to move into a new house. I cannot WAIT to tackle 2 fresh, new kid rooms. Actually, I’m sure I won’t have much of a say in my 12…

  • Hilarious Magazine Face Collages

    Hilarious Magazine Face Collages

    One of the funniest art projects in all the land is to take a pile of fashion magazines, some scissors, a glue stick, and a stack of paper and get to collaging. We’re not talking serious collaging, though. We’re getting all surreal and silly. When you flip through the pages of women’s magazines and really take…

  • 7 Creativity Prompts for Kids

    7 Creativity Prompts for Kids

    Can we all agree that kids are inherently creative little beasts? Yes, I think we can. Because they are, and they’re cute, too. And funny. Kids are funny. Anyway, since I like kids and I like creativity, and I write about creative kids all over the place on this blog, I am here to talk…

  • Super Secret Origami Heart Envelope

    Super Secret Origami Heart Envelope

    I asked Fen a few weeks ago if she and her friends passed notes in school. I was met with the most puzzled look- bordering on- pity? Disgust? Of course they didn’t. Then I made her listen to all the sorts of notes my friends and I used to write, and how we tried to…

  • DIY Texture Clay Pendants

      I’m attempting to post 5 DIY projects this week as ideas for DIY holiday gifts. We’ll see if I make it through all 5, but my intentions are good and Holy Christmas, I’ll do my best. This first project is super duper easy and the best part of making these pendants is exploring what the…

  • 10 Funtastic Gender Neutral Gifts for Kids

    10 Funtastic Gender Neutral Gifts for Kids

    My dad visited a doctor once who bragged about how her grandson would never be allowed to play with “boy toys” because their family was not the type to force gender stereotypes and the child was comfortable with his masculinity despite the sea of baby carriages and pink tutus I was picturing when my dad…

  • Cool Art Project for Kids: Thumbprint Self Portrait

    Cool Art Project for Kids: Thumbprint Self Portrait

    Such a cool project. I first saw this thumbprint self-portrait project here and pinned it for later, because that’s what we do, right, ladies? I love the double self portrait aspect of it, in that each kid is writing about themselves as they trace the lines of their fingerprint. It’s symbolic, and ultra personalized. Fen…