Sometimes, those crazy kids come up with their own cool art projects. Usually they’re pretty simple, but capture attention enough so that they spend a while – or even a few days- making lots of the project they have discovered. Enter: staple art.
When Fen was 6, she had a love affair with her stapler. She shunned tape and glue and stapled everything that might even come close to need being fastened. When she couldn’t find anything else that needed fastening, she turned to small pieces of notebook paper and went to town.
She filled notebooks.
Christian came home from work one day with 3 small black frames, popped 3 of these staple drawings inside, and we’ve had them hanging above our sofa for the past 4 years.
So there you go- another quick and easy art project for your creative kids. You should try to make a few of these, too. It’s surprisingly fun to wield a stapler and see what you can make with it.
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