3 Fun Hand-Tracing Drawing Ideas

Tracing your hands is not just for kids making Thanksgiving turkeys. Tracing around objects happens to be one of my favorite ways to get kids or adults drawing, and is a super-fast way to break up a page to doodle inside of.

This time, I brainstormed 3 fun and easy drawing ideas for inside of traced hands, and everyone can do these. Right. Now.

Here’s what you need:

Paper, pencil, eraser, pen, a hand.

Step 1

Trace your hand on the paper with pencil.

Step 2

Draw inside the hand in one of these three ways.

Step 3

Erase your pencil lines.

I think all of these look really cool, and you will probably think up ways to do them differently next time, like I did. Don’t you love when your brain conjures up new creative ideas when you’re in the middle of one creative idea? It’s like a creativity volcano.

hand drawing

Fingerprint Lines Hand Drawing

This first hand drawing is best done with a finer point drawing pen, as you want to be able to get a lot of concentric lines on your paper. The effect is visually more textural and interesting than if you were to use a fat pen.

I started with one small oval, drew out form there, and then moved all over the hand drawing concentric lines and ovals. Looks like a bunch of blown up fingerprints.

zentangle hand drawing

Zentangle Hand Drawing

Here I traced my hand, then separated it into random sections with my pencil.

From here I filled in the sections with tangles, then erased all the pencil lines. This was so fun- I’m going to definitely experiment with different tangle patterns inside hands.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”qLAXCDuO” upload-date=”2019-04-06T16:53:08.000Z” name=”Zentangle Hand Drawing” description=”Fun and easy Zentangle hand drawing idea”]


line drawn hand

Cross Contour Lines Hands

This was the quickest and easiest of the bunch, but still looks pretty neat, right? You can definitely get more complicated with this one, depending on how detailed you get. This is a great description of cross contouring in drawing.

The point in mine is just to give a little texture and hint at the 3-dimensionality of the hand.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”ibnWobfp” upload-date=”2019-04-06T16:53:56.000Z” name=”Make 2 Cool Hands Drawings” description=”Fun and easy hand drawing doodle ideas”]


drawing hands






One response to “3 Fun Hand-Tracing Drawing Ideas”

  1. Robin Strevels Avatar
    Robin Strevels

    My special needs son, has to draw a zentangle picture, what would be a good and easy easy picture to do.?

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